Can You Use Record Roots Frames to Display Records at Record Fairs?

Give your records the attention they deserve.


Yes, you can use Record Roots frames to display records for sale at record fairs. These frames offer a versatile and eye-catching way to showcase your records, even in the busy environment of a fair.

Mounting Options for Record Fairs

If you’re certain you’ll have access to wall space, you can mount the frame directly to the wall using the included 3M Command Strips and metal hooks. However, at many record fairs, wall mounting might not be allowed or practical. In these cases, a standing frame is a great alternative.

Before we launched our product, we exhibited it at a record fair in London to gauge interest. For that event, we used a photography backdrop frame to hang the Record Roots frame. By threading plastic zip ties through the eyelets positioned along the top edge of the frame, we securely attached them to the backdrop stand. This setup was quick and easy, taking just a few minutes, and it worked exceptionally well for displaying both records and the frame itself.

Tips for a Successful Display

While using Record Roots frames at a record fair, it’s essential to ensure your display remains stable. With the right setup, our frames can make your records stand out, attracting potential buyers and showing off what your records you are offering. US based seller - Tim (pictured above) is one of a bunch of sellers attending events all around the country with our frames.

Whether you’re a seasoned seller or a first-time exhibitor, Record Roots frames provide a professional and effective way to display your records at any event.

Prepare Your Display Now!